Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Holidays & New Year Beauté's!

I just wanted to make a little post saying that I'll be taking a bit of a holiday break, just for the rest of the month to spend time with my family and loved ones as the holidays get closer. Will start back up again with usual postings in the start of January of the new year! 

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads this blog, or follows me on my other social media accounts for all your unconditional love and support this year, its really made the year worth while. I do hope that you all will follow me into another new year, filled with beauty. I love doing what I do, even though its not my full-time job (not yet at least!! :D) and you guys make that 100% possible, everyday. So my warmest gratitude goes out to you all for that.

I hope everyone has a safe and well holiday and new year with all whom you love!

Here's to new beginnings, experiences, friends and success!

Love to you and yours,
